Hope Is Where the Heart Is !
Bringing Change
The provision of the safety of the population of Georgia due to the promotion and development of the modern type of the cardiac surgery service;
The improvement of the quality of medical care and the promotion of the patient-oriented medicine;
The promotion of the level of cardiac surgery by the elaboration of the standards;
The promotion of developing legislative base in the point of cardiac surgery;
The promotion of developing the cardiac surgery specialist profession and the creation of the professional ethic norms;
The elaboration of the modern technology in cardiac surgery for the further innovation into practice and development;
The elaboration of the cardiac surgery standards and regulations, the promotion of the innovation, and the analysis and control of the obtained results;
The preparation of the post-diploma cardiac surgery courses and retraining programs and the promotion of their practical implementation;
Studying the various worldwide countries experience and the recent achievement in the cardiac surgery and the promotion of the innovation in our countries practice;
The assessment of the necessary equipment and facilities and the propaganda considering the best international practice;
The Georgian Association for Cardiac surgery knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 2011, founded in Tbilisi, our Non-Profit Organization realized that working together could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, which is why we ultimately decided to launch GACS.